Monday, 30 December 2013

Angela Gucwa on Why You Should Join Professional Organizations

Angela Gucwa is a member of a number of different professional organizations, including the American Medical Association, the American College of Surgeons, the Society for Vascular Surgery, and the Southern Association of Vascular Surgery. Angela Gucwa always aims to belong to a range of field appropriate professional associations because these groups provide a variety of different resources that have benefited her as a young doctor.

One reason that Angela Gucwa thinks that everyone should join professional associations is that they are the best way to network. Because the majority of any given field will belong to the appropriate professional organization, meetings and conferences are the best place to network by far. Angela Gucwa has been able to establish numerous collegial relationships with professionals across the country. Many older members of the field that Angela Gucwa has met through professional organizations have stepped up to serve as mentors to the young surgeon as well.

Another valuable resource available through professional organizations, says Angela Gucwa, is continuing education programs. These programs are vital for doctors who are trying to stay on top of an ever-changing field, but continuing education is a benefit to professionals in any field. Whether it’s an introduction to a new technology or a new theoretical frame, there is always more to learn.

As Angela Gucwa is learning as she finishes up her surgical fellowships, a final reason to join professional organizations is that they are the best way to hear about job openings. Make sure you are on your organization’s listserv, says Angela Gucwa, and it will keep you in the loop about all the news and job openings in your field.

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